Serenity: A Welcoming Presence at the Complex Care Clinic

At the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) Complex Care Clinic (CCC), we are fortunate to have dedicated Better2gether volunteers like Serenity, who play a crucial role in supporting our families. Serenity, a volunteer with an impressive academic background and a passion for helping others has been instrumental in creating a warm and empathetic environment for the CCC patients and their families. 

Making a Difference 

According to Dr. Kimbrough, “Serenity has been tremendously helpful at being a welcoming presence in clinic. She has helped with distracting big siblings so parents can focus on engaging with the healthcare team, offering snacks, introducing Better2gether, and being a liaison between the two services.” 

Serenity’s unique blend of life experience and educational background enables her to connect with families on a deeper level. She holds an associate degree in social science, a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in political science and is currently working on her third master’s degree in clinical health and rehabilitation at VCU. This rich academic journey, alongside her personal childhood experiences, allows her to help assuage the fears of parents and children navigating the complexities of the healthcare system. 

“Being part of the care team is incredibly rewarding,” Serenity shares. “I’m there to play with siblings, talk with parents, and offer moral support. Sickness doesn’t define what you can do—it’s just a part of your identity, not your full identity. I want to be there for these families, showing up and showing support.” 

The Importance of Community Support 

Our community’s contributions are vital in maintaining the welcoming and supportive environment at the CCC. As we head into the summer months, food insecurity becomes a significant concern for many families when children are not in school. This is where we rely on the generosity of our community to help us “stock the pantry.” We are currently seeking donations of toys, non-perishable food items, and other essentials to support the families we serve at the CCC. Your contributions help us ensure that every family visiting the CCC feels cared for and supported during their challenging times. 

Serving More and More Families and Kids 

In the past year, the CCC has seen a significant increase in the number of families and children we serve.  As of June 2024, CCC is providing support and services to 325. The need for comprehensive support services continues to grow, and with your help, we can meet these needs more effectively. Your donations directly impact our ability to provide a supportive, resource-rich environment for families facing complex health challenges.  

“Serenity’s empathy and warm presence are invaluable to our clinic,” says Dr. Kimbrough. “She continues to read the room and identify needs that can be addressed, offering as much support as families allow. We are grateful for her dedication and for the ongoing support from our community, which makes all of this possible.” 

Join Us in Making a Difference 

Your support is crucial to our mission of providing comprehensive care and support to families with complex healthcare needs. By donating today, you help us continue to make a difference in the lives of these families. Thank you for being a part of our Better2gether community. Together, we can ensure that every family receives the care and support they deserve.


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