Finding Strength Together: Laura’s Journey

Better2gether’s Moments Support Group

Richmond mom, Laura, remembers the feeling of worrying about her young medically complex son, Daniel, and wanting to seek the support of others. Yet, a time when Daniel was at his most medically fragile, Laura felt too overwhelmed to reach out.

“It took ten months until I was brave enough to attend a Moments Support Group meeting,” she recalls. “Once I went, though, I kept going!”

Whether learning about how to create a Medical Binder or getting up-to-date information about changes in insurance laws, the Moments Caregivers Support Group provides monthly opportunities to connect, learn, and gain support through various speakers, workshops, and other educational programs.

“Moments has been a good clearinghouse of information. There are new things happening all the time – locally, regionally and around the country,” Laura shares. “I always take away new tools and knowledge when I attend.”

What’s equally meaningful to Laura, though, are the relationships she has built through her participation in Moments.

“When you have a medically complex child, it’s so rare that you’d meet another parent in your day-to-day life who would have any clue what you’re going through,” she says. “Here, there are a group of parents who have this incredible thing in common. Even though we may have disparate perspectives and life experiences, it’s kind of magical when we all connect and talk.”

Better2gether is proud to collaborate with the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU to bring MOMENTS, a safe and supportive environment for families navigating the journey of caring for a medically complex child.

Together, let’s show these children and their families that they are not alone. Thank you for being a part of our mission to create a supportive community for kids with rare diseases.  Together, we’re driving positive change and creating a lasting impact!  Your generous support enables us to offer these critical resources and create moments of connection and empowerment for these families.


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