Supporting Families in Need: Gayton Church’s Annual Local Family Mission

We are deeply grateful to the volunteers from Gayton Church’s annual LOCAL Family Mission Trip, a heartfelt initiative by the Gayton Church family to support our Better2gether families and other organizations. Held on the second weekend in July, this mission trip brought together people of all ages to make a meaningful impact in our community. Through a variety of projects, volunteers addressed the real and practical needs of these families, offering support and building authentic relationships. We especially appreciate Gayton Church for including Better2gether families in their outreach, providing much-needed compassion and assistance to those in challenging situations.

A heartfelt thank you to the Gayton Church volunteers for their unwavering support of Better2gether families and other families in the community. Your dedication has made a positive impact and lasting impact across metro Richmond!

Heartfelt Thanks to Gayton Baptist Church and Better2gether RVA

Miriam expressed, “We are profoundly grateful to Gayton Baptist Church and Better2gether RVA for their tremendous support and dedication on a significant project at our home.” This effort began when Gayton Church reached out last year, looking to help families in need during their mission outreach weekend. The Smith Family was chosen, and what started as a mission to build a retaining wall turned into something profoundly impactful for the family.

The project's completion means more than just a structural enhancement to their home; it creates a crucial therapeutic space for their son, Aidan. The "heavy work" area provided by the retaining wall will enable Aidan to engage in activities like pushing, pulling, or carrying heavy objects. These activities are essential for his proprioceptive development, helping him understand his body's position in space and offering a calming effect, which is vital for his overall well-being.

Miriam noted, “The dedication and care from Mitch and his team have deeply touched our hearts. On a morning filled with challenges, including multiple wakeups requiring our immediate attention, the completion of this space has brought us renewed hope and excitement for Aidan's therapy.”

“We are incredibly thankful to Mitch and his crew for their love and commitment,” Miriam added. “This project, which took over a year and a half to complete, stands as a testament to their unwavering support and compassion for our family.”

“To the Gayton families, your prayers, love, and hard work have left an indelible mark on our lives,” Miriam shared. “We cannot fully express our gratitude for this generosity. This retaining wall is more than a physical structure; it represents a significant step forward in our journey and a tangible manifestation of your support.”

Miriam concluded, “Thank you, Better2gether RVA and Gayton Baptist Church, for being our pillars of strength and hope. We eagerly anticipate using this new space for Aidan's continued growth and development. Your kindness has made a lasting difference in our lives, and we are eternally grateful.”


Supporting Families Every Step of the Way: Better2gether's Lifeline for Parents of Medically Complex Children


Sierra and Byond the Diagnosis