Meet Charlie

One of our Fabulous B2g Kid Champions

Almost three-year-old Charlie loves music and listening to people sing. But few things bring him more joy than when his twin sister, Addie, enters the room. “He really lights up when she’s around,” shares their mom, Antonia.

Described by his parents as a happy boy, Charlie has experienced many challenges throughout his young life.

His medical complexities include being non-verbal, experiencing mobility challenges, and requiring feeding by a G-tube. Because Antonia is still searching for a concrete diagnosis to explain Charlie’s multiple medical conditions, their family hadn’t initially connected with a community of other families walking on a similar journey.

Charlie’s parents first learned about Better2getherRVA from their pediatrician, Dr. Tiffany Kimbrough, who wanted to help connect them to local resources and support. “We’ve attended the Christmas party, the Halloween 5K Hustle, and some of the online connects,” says Antonia. “As Charlie gets older, it’s nice to know that he’ll have a community. That was one of our big pulls to Better2gether.”

Additionally, they are especially grateful to Carissa Henry, Resource Coordinator for Better2gether families. Carissa met Charlie’s family shortly after they moved from North Carolina to Virginia to live closer to family members. Carissa immediately connected Antonia with a local waiver service facilitation provider to help navigate the complicated paperwork required to support Charlie’s care. Additionally, Carissa helped identify a potential daycare for Charlie that would be able to accommodate his medical needs. “Carissa is a saint!” Antonia expresses. “Better2gether and their families are so lucky to have her.”

Antonia shared that, initially, she looked online to find support, information, and connections. However, she quickly discovered that there are so many resources and communities online, it was difficult to sift through them and not feel overwhelmed. “I learned that it’s important to seek community and seek out resources, but it’s also important to filter,” she shares. Antonia is truly appreciative of the support and understanding that she and her family gain from their experiences with Better2gether.

Thank you for your support of Better2gether and your dedication to helping children like Charlie thrive. Together, we can bring about positive change and create a lasting impact on their lives!


Welcoming Our New Board President, Rob Hines


Connecting Through Challenges