Get Hairy for the Kids: Join our M4K Growing Team!

Get ready for a hair-raising adventure that’s equal parts fun and charity! This November, we’re once again embracing the “for the kids” spirit by growing out mustaches to raise funds and awareness for Better2gether’s impactful initiatives.

Better2gether is proud to be a beneficiary of M4K Richmond (Mustaches 4 Kids), and it’s time to join the action! Last year, our mustache-growing crew hustled to raise $21,000, and M4K Richmond donated an additional $14,000 for a grand total of $35,000! Who knew a little mustache could make such a B-I-G impact?!

We can’t do it alone – we need you! Whether you’re a mustache-growing pro or just getting started, your participation will make a real difference. It’s a huge opportunity for our mission, and with exciting plans ahead in 2024, these funds will make an even more significant impact.


p.s. Feel your mustache follicles tingling with curiosity? Join us at Hardywood West Creek next Wednesday, Oct 25, for some happy hour fun and to meet a few of our growers. Have a beer and let us talk you into signing up! 🙂


Meet Michelle Marshall-Haren: B2g’s Newest Board Member!


Driving Hope for Laquiechia & Family