Better2gether’s Meaningful and UnWavering Mission

Better2gether is dedicated to enhancing the lives of families with children facing medical complexities.

Its mission is simple, yet powerful: to understand, equip and support. These three goals are designed to help families navigate the challenging journey of caring for a child with unique medical needs.

In this feature, we introduce you to three incredible families, each highlighting the tangible impact of Better2gether’s meaningful and unwavering mission.


Jordan’s* medical complexities were diagnosed in utero during his mother’s pregnancy. “Jordan’s family has been part of the Better2gether community literally since Day 1,” says Carissa Henry, MPH, LPN, CRS, Resource Coordinator. In her role as B2G’s Resource Coordinator, Carissa has connected with Jordan and his family in a variety of ways by demonstrating a true understanding of their unique needs. For example, Better2gether helped the family obtain a stroller that was appropriate for Jordan’s low muscle tone and able to transport his medical equipment. Additionally, Jordan’s mom was connected to other B2G families in the community who were walking on a similar medical journey. Jordan’s mom has attended multiple Moments Support Groups and Better2gether community events, gaining a sense of understanding not only by the organization but by the parents and families she’s met.

“I’ve loved watching Jordan grow over the last year and supporting his family as they overcome any obstacle that they’ve encountered,” Carissa shares. “It was so special when his mom, Angie, invited me to attend his first birthday party, and I was so honored to be part of this special event. Seeing his smile while we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ reminded me why I love being there for our families.”


Eleven-year-old Ryan has experienced multiple medical complexities over the years. Most recently, he has become fully dependent on a wheelchair. His mother, Jessie, needed to make some modifications to their home to promote wheelchair accessibility. She had received a debit card from the state to help fund these modifications. However, during the process of getting their home ready for the renovations, Jessie inadvertently misplaced the debit card.

“When I got a call from Jessie and the first words out of her mouth were, ‘I’m going to be in tears,’ I immediately jumped in to listen to what was going on,” says Carissa Henry, Resource Coordinator. “Jessie tried to find her original application for the debit card, searched frantically through papers in her filing cabinet, left voicemails to agencies, and Google searched until she couldn’t Google anymore.” She was feeling frustrated, scared, and overwhelmed.

Carissa made multiple phone calls to various agencies and did her own extensive searches online on the family’s behalf. Finally, Carissa found a resource that provided the information she needed to connect Jessie with someone who could help. Thanks to Carissa’s compassion, skills and determination, Jessie was equipped with a new debit card and received the funding she needed to pay for these important environmental modifications for her son.


As a single mother by choice, Talia spent her early months of pregnancy making plans for her new life as the mom of a child she had always wanted. However, what she couldn’t plan for were the unexpected medical complications that she – and her son – would experience during the pregnancy.

One-year-old Micah was born prematurely and had several complex medical challenges during his young life. When the family was referred to Better2gether, Carissa Henry, Resource Coordinator, provided Talia with resources and support to help navigate this new and challenging journey. An important source of support was the community programming provided by Better2gether.

“Talia really enjoyed Better2gether community events and connecting with other families, and she was especially looking forward to the Christmas event in December,” Carissa shares. “But just before the event, mom reached out to tell me that Micah was hospitalized, and they may not be able to make it.”

Because Micah was admitted for longer than anticipated, Carissa gathered the wrapped gift that was donated by Better2gether donors and supporters, along with a meal voucher and gift card to help pay for meals and gas while Micah was hospitalized and drove to the Children’s Hospital of Richmond to personally deliver them to the family. Talia was at the hospital with her sister, and they were both so grateful for the support their family received from Better2gether throughout the year, and especially during the holidays. “Micah loved the gift of the toy blocks,” says Carissa, “And his mom said he was playing with them throughout his hospital stay.”

*Names and other identifying information have been changed for privacy.


Connecting Through Challenges


Meet Henry